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10月. 27, 2023

Annual flag-raising ceremony highlights international community, 霍勒斯·曼学生创作的国旗

When 凯发国际 celebrated its 26th annual flag-raising ceremony 10月. 20, the event also served as the unveiling of a new flag representing the University’s Horace Mann Laboratory School and Phyllis and Richard Leet Center for Children and Families.

“在西北, 凯发国际的国旗不仅仅代表一个国家,——托马斯·梅洛, the director of Northwest’s International Involvement Center, 他在开幕式致辞中说. “他们代表凯发国际的学生.”

考虑到这一点, the International Involvement Center collaborated this fall with Horace Mann fifth and sixth grade students in Sarah Winters’ classroom, where they learned about the purpose of flags and the meanings they hold. 这是他们所学到的, the students in Winters’ class 设计了一面代表他们学校的旗帜.

“We’ve talked a lot about being in fifth and sixth grade at Horace Mann, 关于成为领导者——课堂上的领导者, leaders at our school and leaders in our community,温特斯说. “这是凯发国际展示领导力的一种方式.”

Horace Mann students Karina Wall和Raeley Kirkpatrick 展示他们班设计的旗帜 during Northwest's flag-raising ceremony. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://www.xmlfd.net'>凯发国际</a>)

Horace Mann students Karina Wall和Raeley Kirkpatrick 展示他们班设计的旗帜 during Northwest's flag-raising ceremony. (Photo by Lauren Adams/凯发国际)

在今年秋天的升旗仪式上, 温特斯的两个学生, Karina Wall和Raeley Kirkpatrick, 展示他们班设计的旗帜.

“As a class we studied different flags from around the world,” Wall said. “We found out how flags are made, why they are made and what each part of the flag represents. We also studied the American flag and why we are so proud of what it represents.”

Added Kirkpatrick, “Our flag represents the values we hold dear at Horace Mann and the Leet Center.”

在他们创造国旗的过程中, Winters’ students presented what they learned to other students of all ages at Horace Mann and the Leet Center and sought their input. Winters’ students also talked with instructional aide Cathi Schwienebart, who attended Horace Mann and shared some of the school’s history, including that its school colors once were purple and gold.

在设计了他们国旗的原型之后, Winters’ students worked with art teacher Lori Atkins to create a hand-painted prototype. The students displayed that version of their flag during Northwest’s flag-raising ceremony as the school hopes to acquire a permanent, 防风雨版的国旗.

Horace Mann students in Sarah Winters’ fifth and sixth grade classroom, 与美术老师洛里·阿特金斯合影, 设计了一面代表他们学校的旗帜. (提交的图)

Horace Mann students in Sarah Winters’ fifth and sixth grade classroom, 与美术老师洛里·阿特金斯合影, 设计了一面代表他们学校的旗帜. (提交的图)

A crest in the middle of the flag combines the Horace Mann and Leet Center shields with two branches of leaves and the Horace Mann motto, “同心协力,凯发国际可以”.” Green-colored columns on both sides of the flag feature a series of symbols representing the school’s expectations.

Winters’ students carried their flag and joined the procession of flags as it made its way from B.D. Owens Library to the International Flag Plaza for the flag-raising ceremony on Walkout Day.

托马斯·梅洛, the director of Northwest’s International Involvement Center (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://www.xmlfd.net'>凯发国际</a>)

托马斯·梅洛, the director of Northwest’s International Involvement Center (Photo by Lauren Adams/凯发国际)

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·泰特姆 (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://www.xmlfd.net'>凯发国际</a>)

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·泰特姆 (Photo by Lauren Adams/凯发国际)

“当我看着凯发国际的学生, our faculty and staff walking from Owens Library to the Joyce and Harvey White International Flag Plaza with a smile on their faces, 互相鼓励, 让我告诉你, 熊猫社区, 凯发国际在做正确的事情,” Merlot said during his opening remarks at the flag-raising ceremony. “We are not only educating the students and preparing them for the workplace, we are building global citizens and creating a sense of unity through education.”

今年秋天’s flag-raising ceremony also included remarks from Obioma Nwuba, a junior early childhood education major from Anambra State, 尼日利亚, who serves as president of the International Student Organization and was crowned this year’s Homecoming queen.

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·泰特姆, who arrived at the University in June and attended his first flag-raising ceremony, noted the annual event as a hallmark of Walkout Day and an opportunity to bring the campus community together.

“为了支持所有凯发国际的学生, we frequently hear how welcoming and appreciated this plaza is to our international friends and visitors – because beyond its sheer beauty, the plaza celebrates students from every corner of the globe,塔图姆说.

今年秋天, Northwest’s international enrollment totals more than 1,000 students representing 34 different countries.

“Each flag in front of you today represents a nation, its culture and its history,塔图姆说. “Northwest is a place that it is today because of the diversity we have and the sense of belonging that we work toward each and every day.”

Northwest’s inaugural flag-raising ceremony in the fall of 1998 celebrated the completion of the 乔伊斯和哈维怀特国际广场, which pays tribute to Northwest students and alumni who have come to the University from other nations. 花岗岩朋友墙, located prominently at the south entrance of the Flag Plaza to acknowledge all who supported the project, features five clocks indicating the time in Maryville and four international time zones.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

